Business Graphology Services

Graphology / Employee Screening and Evaluation / Graphology Services for Businesses / Forensic Graphology

Zamir Graphologists is among the three largest and leading graphology firms in Israel.

Founded in 1977 by graphologist Zamir Yitzhak, the company has accompanied thousands of businesses and companies in employee candidate evaluations.

Over time, we developed a forensic department - as well as a private department. This site offers more comprehensive information about the complete range of graphology services provided by our office.

In addition to our clients in Israel, we provide employee candidate evaluation services to customers in the United States, Canada and several European nations.

We are pleased to be at your service at all times.

Sincerely - Zamir Sivan, CEO and Chief Graphologist

As early as the 1970s, with accelerated economic development, management began perceiving the importance of investing in personnel, as well as the need for employee candidate screening and compatibility.

As a result, screening centers, which included graphologists, were founded.

The first group of graphologists employed within these screening centers included Yitzhak Zamir, founder of Zamir Graphologists. For the past thirty years, with increasing awareness of the importance of human resources to the entire system, we provide evaluation services to numerous customers in a myriad of fields who use us to evaluate job candidates.

Graphology has proven to be a reliable, accurate and rapid evaluation tool, preventing undue disruptions to the candidate, or the system.

Graphology is simple and easy. 

Candidates are simply required to write out their resume or any text on a blank page (approximately 15 lines) and sign the page upon completion of the text. The candidate's handwriting sample will be submitted to our offices along with a job description of the candidate's position, a basic job order, name of the customer, name of the business, and an obligation to pay for the test…

The opinion will be sent to the customer who ordered the test within 48 hours from the moment the handwriting sample is submitted for testing by fax or by email [a personal fax number or private email should be attached to the job order]. 

Zamir Graphologists employs a professional team of graphologists who are able to handle any amount of handwriting samples submitted for testing. Every opinion, without exception, is meticulously reviewed, and signed, by Chief Graphologist and Zamir Graphologist CEO.

Among our customers are:

  • Employee evaluation and placement centers
  • Telecommunications and hi-tech companies
  • Law firms
  • Accounting firms
  • Insurance companies
  • Tourist agencies
  • Cultural and educational institutions
  • Hotels
  • Municipalities and local councils
  • Kibbutzim and settlements
  • Small businesses
  • Financial institutions, banks and financial companies
  • Politicians, government officials
  • Private businesses, large, middle and small

Graphology / Employee Screening / Graphology Services for Businesses
Procedure for Submitting Handwriting Sample for Testing - For Job Candidate Screening and Evaluation

Candidates are simply required to write 15-20 lines of free text or their resume on a blank page with a ballpoint pen or pencil [not a pilot pen], and sign their names at the end of the text.

The handwriting sample should be sent to us along with a job description of the position applied to by the candidate/s.

In addition to information about each candidate, such as: age / gender / right-handed or left-handed / whether the candidate suffered any injury in the hand that writes / whether the candidate is regularly taking any medication that might affect the handwriting.

Candidates are required to sign a handwriting analysis graphology terms form. [Click here to receive this form].

Ensure that the candidate/s write the text in their native language.

The graphology evaluation may be carried out in every language except for 'drawn' language: Japanese / Chinese.

We currently conduct testing in the following languages:

[Hebrew, English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Romanian, Dutch, Russian and Amharic]

Price per opinion to customers outside of Israel:

[England, USA, Canada, Italy, France, Australia, Germany, Spain, Romania, Holland, Belgium]

Price includes translation of opinion to the required language and delivery via registered mail to the requested destination.

$125 per test.

For customers outside of Israel, payment is cash only - the sum must be attached to the handwriting sample being submitted for analysis or in accordance with any other agreement with Zamir Graphologists accounting department.

The opinion will be first be sent to the customer who orders the test via fax or email.

The opinion will provide a response to the specific job descriptions that characterize each position based on a job description to be submitted to us, and based on our vast professional experience in evaluations. In addition, a detailed response will be provided for issues concerning human relations, integrity and reliability.

Furthermore, a final recommendation regarding the candidate's compatibility for the position will be issued.

For price quote - click here - and send us your company name + fax number (+prefix)

שרותי גרפולוגיה נוספים:

סניף ראשי [ אירופה ] 
דימיטרי גיונארי 53 אתונה - יוון.

סניף ישראל [ דרום ] 
נוגה 15 ערד - ישראל.

טלפון ישיר למנהלת המשרד, מלי זמיר.

מייל :  [email protected]

כתובת למשלוח דואר
ת"ד 23050 תל אביב 61231

כנסו גם לעמוד הפייסבוק שלנו זמיר גרפולוגים

אין קבלת קהל במשרדים ובשלוחות ללא תיאום מראש, יש לפנות טלפונית או בדוא"ל לתאום.

Tel Aviv, Israel
P.O.B 23050 zip 61231

Direct phone: 00-972-528644360